Certified Hygiene

Micron Screen
RainStick is equipped with a 200 micron filter that removes anything larger than a grain of sand. Hair, grit and other dirt particles are trapped in the mesh screen as the first step in RainStick’s cleaning process.
This filter can be easily removed and cleaned through manually removing the dirt or rinsing under the tap, similar to standard drain catchments.

High Intensity UV LED kills 99.99% of bacteria and viruses
RainStick’s cleaning process improves your water hygiene through the use of UV treatment and real-time refreshment, as well as automatic self-cleaning after every shower session using RainStick’s Original Cleaning Product. This process addresses 99.99% of bacteria and viruses, including even the most harmful of bacteria like Legionella.
RainStick has been extensively tested by an ISO-accredited laboratory, and received a rating of“Extremely Hygienic”.

RainStick Shower FAQs
Using The Shower
Does RainStick heat the water as it is circulated?
Yes, it does! RainStick continuously adds a tiny amount of heated fresh house-supplied water while in operation. This refreshes each cycle and maintains the desired water temperature.
I usually turn off the tap between shampooing and soaping to conserve water. Will I no longer have to do this with my RainStick?
The beauty of RainStick is that it saves 80% of water with each use while offering a full-coverage rainshower experience. To give an example, a traditional 10-minute shower using a regular shower fixture with a standard flow rate of 10 litres per minute (or 2.5 gallons per minute) will use 100 litres (26 gallons) of water. When you use RainStick in the same duration, it only uses 20-litres (5 gallons) of water at an increased flow rate of 14-litres per minute (or 3.0 gallons per minute).
Do I have to use WiFi to use RainStick?
While we recommend using WiFi in order to take advantage of the many features available on the RainStick app, the system can be fully operated without WiFi. When fully used with the suggested WiFi connection and RainsStick App, you have the ability to access: - Remote software updates - Descaler replacement cycles - Customizable settings (water temperature, shower mode, deep clean timer) - Performance tracking - Water and Energy Savings Tracking
What happens if the power goes off?
A power connection is required to operate a RainStick; similar to a standard home that uses a modern electric or gas water heater which both require electricity.
Certified Hygiene
How does RainStick clean the water in real time?
We have optimized RainStick’s technology to cleanse circulating water in three stages: 1. A micron-level screen catches large debris such as hair and dirt. 2. A small amount of hot water is continuously supplied to refresh the loop and maintain the desired water temperature 3. A high-intensity UV LED kills 99.99% of exposed germs and bacteria. RainStick can also be used in traditional, low flow 6.8 Litres per minute (or 1.8 Gallons per minute), shower mode.
Does RainStick use greywater or Am I using someone else's water?
RainStick is not a greywater system and you will never be using someone else’s water. RainStick only uses fresh supplied water at the start of each use and no water is stored in between uses. At the end of each shower, an automated cleaning session starts to guarantee that each new use is hygienic. This also prevents hard water from forming and keeps the built-in UV LED optimized. A timer for when this cleaning session starts can be scheduled on the RainStick Shower App with 45, 60, or 90-second delay start time options.
Is installing a RainStick more difficult than a traditional shower?
RainStick provides professionals with the tools that they need to confidently install.
Can I install RainStick in my off-grid home?
Yes, it is possible to install RainStick in off-grid homes, as long as they meet our preinstallation requirements.
When is the best time to install a RainStick and can I do a retrofit installation?
RainStick is intended for a new build or remodelling project.
What are the dimensions for the in-floor (or under the floor) collection system?
RainStick's reservoir dimensions are approximately 25.25” length x 9.90” width x 3.25” height (641mm x 251mm x 82.5mm).
Does the shower floor need to be sloped toward the wall where the RainStick is mounted?
Yes, the standard nominal slope to RainStick's reservoir is 2% for it to efficiently collect and circulate water.
Is plumbing inside the unit or behind?
All of RainStick's plumbing components are contained within its system. Fresh hot/cold water supply and a GFCI-protected circuit using a waterproof connector accessible within the shower enclosure is required prior to installation.
What certifications does RainStick have?
RainStick's shower system is manufactured and design to adhere to UL 1951 and comply with ASME A112.18.1/CSA B-125.1 and ASSE 1014.
Can I install RainStick if our home is built on a slab?
Yes, a slab-on-grade foundation will not be a problem for as long as the drainage in your shower enclosure can be positioned at the foot of the RainStick where the catchment reservoir is located. This may require to raise the floor to relocate. A 2% slope of the finished floor to the reservoir is needed to successfully collect and circulate water.
Can I use my RainStick if I have a water softener system?
Yes, a water softener system will not affect the functionality of the RainStick.
What are the ongoing maintenance requirements?
RainStick is a fully automated system that uses RainStick Original Cleaning Product. A cleaning session starts after each shower to guarantee that each new use is hygienic. This also prevents hard water from forming and keeps the built-in UV LED optimized. A timer for when this cleaning session will start can be scheduled using the RainStick Shower App with 45, 60, or 90-second delay start-time options. The RainStick App will also notify you when your RainStick needs to perform a deep clean session.
How will I know if something needs cleaning or replacement?
RainStick is a fully automated system that uses RainStick Original Cleaning Product. A cleaning session starts after each shower to guarantee that each new use is hygienic. The RainStick App will also notify you when your RainStick needs to perform a deep clean session.
Can I still shower if something within the system needs attention or repair?
Yes, you may shower in peace knowing that RainStick will never interrupt your showers. In the rare case where a component needs troubleshooting, the RainStick will continue to function in its standard shower mode. Its smart technology will send a notification through the RainStick Shower App or through its main controller, to notify you of any system issues that need to be addressed.
What is the warranty?
Each RainStick purchase includes a 2-year limited warranty from the date of purchase, provided that the original consumer purchaser owns the same home in which the RainStick were first installed.